108/365 - Zeiss Leica Coop
107/365 - minolta
106/365 - Olympus Flower
105/365 - Leica Back
2016-08-24, with Sony A7 and Minolta MC 250mm f/5.6 Mirror Lens and extension tube(s).
Macro with 250mm mirror lens:). Needed some extension tubes for that. It’s the back of a Leica R4s. The film window turned out to be, well, leaky. Oh Lordy. Now there is some black tape behind the window and the new result has yet to be examined.
104/365 - Bled Castle
103/365 - That Doggie in the Window
102/365 - We're walking
101/365 - Birthday Turtle
100/365 - The Unknown
99/365 - The Road Behind
98/365 - Street Light
97/365 - The Wanderer
96/365 - Hans the Waldmann
95/365 - Parallel Steps
94/365 - Wazzup
93/365 - DOF
92/365 - H.Haller
91/365 - Cups
2016-08-10, with Sony A7 and Contax G Carl Zeiss Biogon 28mm f/2.8.
The lens has a stellar reputation, but not on digital. IMHO the trick is, to use a mirrorless camera for digital (where you can check while making a photo what and where it’s sharp) and full frame and then to use the characteristics of the lens to your advantage. What turns out to be less sharp in the corner might just be very pronounced field curvature. Now field curvature has a bad reputation as well, but think about it, that’s also just because of the “wrong” cameras historically being used:).
89/365 - Garage
88/365 - Wood
87/365 - Ilex
86/365 - Wobbling Wall
85/365 - Skyfall
2016-08-04, with Sony A7 and Pentax M 28mm f/2.0 Version 1.
The Pentax M 28mm f/2.0 version 1 is actually the Zeiss design of the 28mm Hollywood lens, and as I heard, they even shipped some machinery to Japan to build them. Later (just a little bit) Pentax and Zeiss abandoned their cooperation and Zeiss went with Yashica to reuse the Contax brand. The 15mm Pentax is the only other lens that resulted from that cooperation. What might be interesting about this 28mm, is the Pentax coating on a Zeiss lens.
84/365 - Cool B.
83/365 - Zürcher Oberland
2016-08-23, with Sony A7 and Minolta MD 250mm f/5.6 mirror lens.
As you see, there was a mistake, this photo was not from the 2nd but 23rd of August 2016. It should have been picture 104, but alas, it got a pre-release. And stays here. Vice versa, photo number 104, surprise, is also a mistake. It is from the 2nd of August and should have been here instead. But, it also stays where it went instead.
82/365 - Blackbird
81/365 - Missing Eye
80/365 - Tito
79/365 - Apple Strudel
78/365 - Slow News Day
77/365 - Bleicherweg
76/365 - Platsch
75/365 - Officeflower
74/365 - Bello
73/365 - Nerium Oleander
72/365 - Hmmm
71/365 - Duo
70/365 - Quak
69/365 - Austin
68/365 - Steinfels
67/365 - Lake Side
66/365 - Contax Colors
2016-07-16, with Sony A7 and Contax Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/1.7.
I was surprised by the results of this day all taken with the small little, relatively underweelming, standard Contax 50mm f/1.7 lens. I like both the slow Tessar 45mm f/2.8 as well as the famous Contax 50mm f/1.4 lenses very much, the later one for its creamy bokey, and the first one both its tiny usage for zone focussing as well as surprisingly strong bokeh as well. Yes for the first time this 1.7 lens convinces me for the first time as well, and in a way I didn’t see coming when I was making this and other photos on this day.
65/365 - Crossing the Line
64/365 - Walking in the Rain
63/365 - Withering Away
62/365 - Bronica ETR 75mm f/2.8
61/365 - Walking on the Line
60/365 - Orchid Bunch
59/365 - Zurich Timpani
58/365 - No Title
57/365 - Jungle Mumble
56/365 - Poppy
55/365 - Dinner is Served
54/365 - Seagull 4B-1
2016-07-04, with Sony A7 and Canon FD 55mm f/1.2.
This camera was my foray into medium format photography. I bought it when I was a high school student (for DM 150). Somewhere I still should have the contact prints, which I developed in school in the afternoon course of our Chemistry teacher.
I liked looking through the viewfinder back then and when I rediscovered it again, I thought the shutter doesn’t work anymore, but it seems it might still do. Maximum speed 1/300. There are slower cameras (thought I only know one).
53/365 - Glass of Pepper
52/365 - Late Nighter
2016-07-02, with Sony A7 and Canon FD 55 f/1.2.
Canon made more f/1.2 normal lenses than anybody else, not even counting some range finder versions. Also they are one of the very few having made f/1.0 lenses.
This FD is the same optically as the FL predicessor. Unlike the 58mm that came first and is rather a toy lens, this one has an interesting mix of very sharp and funky bokeh. The direct successor was already an aspherical lens and is supposed to be even sharper (and therefore also has a higher reputation).
51/365 - Black'n White Power
50/365 - Bellevue
49/365 - Some of those days..
48/365 - Eisbach Visiteurs
47/365 - Splish Splash
46/365 - M-Cat in the Wild
45/365 - Lamp
44/365 - Queued
43/365 - Sunshine Reggae
42/365 - Blossom
2016-06-21, with Sony A7 and Konica AR 35mm f/2.0.
This is quite a big crop of a picture, that is nice by itself (but sorry, I am not allowed to show it:). And I thought the old classic Zeiss Biogon 35mm f/2.8 is a sharp lens, but it seems there is no need for it, as for macro crops the f/2.0 Konica seems to do just fine. And yes, I am relatively sure there was no extension tube involved. The lens goes quite close but still the full image shows quite a wide range.
The color is a bit vivid and comes from the in camera Jpeg mode. No sharpening.
41/365 - Minolta SR-7
40/365 - Konica Day
Not so yielding day, but I don’t think it was because of the lens.
2016-06-20, with Sony A7 and Konica AR 35mm f/2.0.
A lens that should be easily on the most underrated lenses list, if it wasn’t also quite rare. So at least it is on the most overlooked lenses list.
I got my version for CHF 60 in the Foto Ernst sellout. So the waiting in the cold was worth it after all. Normal price online is more like 200, if it comes up at all. Still it is in the shadow of the M mount 35/2 Konica’s and the many other formidable colleagus as well as its 40mm f/1.8 cousin. Maybe something it shares with the Olympus 35mm f/2.0 and it’s more famous 40/2 colleague.
39/365 - Above the Roofs of Zurich
38/365 - A Smile in Zurich
37/365 - Rollei in the Jungle
36/365 - Planar 1.4
35/365 - Lemon Grass
34/365 - Hidden Bike
33/365 - M-Cat
32/365 - Leica Day
2016-06-12, with Sony A7 and Leica Elmarit-R 60mm f/2.8.
I don’t know why I chose this picture, lot’s of flower bokeh shots, used three different Leica R lenses, 60, 28, and 180mm (to use two different lenses in a day is already much). Then to my surprise I chose this motiv in black and white with some people’s legs waking into the background. Just on the final thumbnail overview I switch back to this color version after it had been ruled out pretty early before. Color from raw and uncropped. And of course the 60mm doesn’t need sharpening.
31/365 - Shou Xing
30/365 - Flower What
Seems today I took a photo holiday, same as yesterday. First two days without a photo in over one year, and I enjoyed it. Today I even went out without a photo bag. So much, that I even got late with the publishing… ups, anybody want me to stop now? Hmm, I hear no one..
2016-06-10, with Sony A7 and Minolta MC 85mm f/1.7.
Technically speaking, the ratios of photos with this lens from this day last year that I am happy with is so high, I really should use this lens much much more often. The newer smaller 85/2.0 MD lens is generally considered to be much more desirable (also by myself), that I should greatly reconsider my opinion. After all, it is said to be related to the design of the much revered 58mm f/1.2 lens. And indeed I find them very similar in their style. Maybe it is the 1.7, that is not so very remarkable for a 85mm lens, that puts it in the shadow of the 1.4 Zeisses and 1.2 Canons for super duper bokeh shots, or the very small and spicy sharp Zeiss/Contax, Leica, Olympus, or also the before mentioned Minolta, lenses.
29/365 - Water Drop
28/365 - Food
27/365 - Contax S2 Controls
26/365 - Hungarian Federal Railways
25/365 - Flower Power
24/365 - Szofie
23/365 - Sunset Boulevard
22/365 - Art
2016-06-02, with Sony A7 and Olympus OM 50mm f/1.2.
PS. If that is art, then I hope this photo is also art, not.
PPS. I wanted to write, I don’t know why last year I switch from Pentax 1.2 to Olympus 1.2 that day, turns out I switched indeed, but yesterday’s picture was already with the Olympus! Have to fix that. -
21/365 - Sitting On The Road
20/365 - Lentils Lunch
19/365 - Model
18/365 - Zurich Angel
And again, a picture from today (and not from last year). I was looking for an angel to photograph. Because I had some screenshot from last year with a building with an angel in the relief. So this is from the station. Now the clock is ticking, and no time and probably not worth it either to process the screenshot as well.. so just today’s angel (or some portion of it)..
2017-05-29, with Sony A7 and Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4.
17/365 - Zurich Pigeon
Again, a picture from today and not from last year. And again, I took out a special lens for this occasion:).
2017-05-28, with Sony A7 and Leica Summilux-R 35mm f/1.4.
Today was difficult to decide. Used my most precious lens for the first time ever. Except maybe once each at f2 or f2.8, otherwise the whole day wide open at f1.4. Still, felt it was just super sharp without any need to stop down at all. Except, with this photo 1/8000 at f/1.4 was almost too bright. Some areas I made darker in post processing. The photo is a crop and with 4mm extension tube (oh wait, maybe it is without extension tube - thought the shot that didn’t make it today with another motive was with extension tube for sure - schade, wanted to show some extremer close focus ability).
16/365 - Zurich Rosarium
Zilch, nada, nil, nix…
Really, I have nothing from last year. Can’t even find anything on the hard disk, temp file, whatsoever. So looks like it will be a bit more than a 365 days project. So I shot something on purpose today for the project, and now somehow must make sure I end the project around 2018-05-29 or the 30th. Of course, only if I don’t find more holes in the repository.
So today’s photo is from today..
2017-05-27, with Sony A7 and Minolta MC 250mm f/5.6.
Not the photo I intended todo when I went out today. After months now with 50 and 35mm lenses with a rare 90mm inbetween, I was longing for some real telephoto Gestaltung.
Thought I was more thinking of straight lines, architecture, or abstract panes.. Anyway, haven’t used this mirror lens as much as I should have. It is super light and not very big. My Minolta 28mm f/2.0 lens is the same size and much more heave. And even on some huge distances, the planes in the background are still not in the depth of field and not as sharp as the main object in focus.
Of course, then there is the onion ring bokeh, which for me I love it. Maybe when using the lens regularly, I don’t know if my taste would change, but for now.. In this photo the effect is not very strong, but pronounces the fore- and background panes even stronger.
15/365 - Zurich Biker
2016-05-26, with Sony A7 and Contax G Carl Zeiss 45mm f/2.0 Planar.
The 45mm Planar is actually a 47mm, while most 50mm lenses are a bit slightly above 50mm in reality.
To me the separation between the foreground and background is maybe a little more pronounced for this kind of distance than to be expected and the lens is not a super “fast” one.
Also of note, the left and right corners of the background are more sharp than the background in the center. A good example of a lens with strong field curvature, which is bad for photo tests and brick wall photos, but in my opinion very desirable characteristic for portrait and other ‘bokeh’ sujets.
Also I think the lens has some visible barrel distortion here (but is not so strong and hasn’t ruined any shots so far:). By looking up, distortion on the corner is -1%.
14/365 - Zurich Heimatwerk
13/365 - Zurich Limmat
2016-05-24, with Sony A7 and Leica Summicron-R 35mm f/2.0 V2.
I tried to pitch this photo as a stock photo of Zurich for some marketing brochure in our company (therefore the colors got a bit strong in post processing:), but alas, the clouds had been too risky to create any kind of worrying associations:). So here it goes into the project instead..
12/365 - Keleti Station
2016-05-23, 5x4 dimension, otherwise unchanged B&W Jpeg out of the Sony A7 with Contax G Carl Zeiss 90mm f/2.8 Sonnar.
Actually I prefer it very with a black background and a white line surrounding it, like here (but then I don’t know if it is as sharp as I see it on the blog - since having a Mac with a retina display, I have no idea anymore how the photos look on different displays and what the browsers are making out of it).
11/365 - A Coffee Glass
10/365 - Zlaty Bazant
9/365 - Chinese Dragon
Chinese Dragon, 2016-05-20.
With Sony A7 and Olympus OM 50mm f/1.2. Obviously, it is rather wide open, but it could also be at f/2.0. On another day some time later I have a picture of the same object with the Leica R Summicron 50mm Version 2. As far as I remember with very different result, and I liked that Summicron one also very much. On statistical grounds, I used the Summicron actually about twice as much as the Oly. But for now the Oly is the first lens I used 3 times for this project.
8/365 - 100%
Another gimmick day. The picture below is a screenshot from a temporary file I created exactly one year ago (sorry, nothing else to show).
From 2016-05-19.
So, but as compensation, here is one shot exactly one year later:
Apple juice, 2017-05-19.
With Sony A7 and Leica Summicron-M 50mm Rigid (and one or two extension tubes).
PS. tomorrow I have material again, but there are still 3 more days later this month I have to become creative (retroactively) again:(. Well, for now I better keep shooting every day.
7/365 - helvetii
Houston, we have a problem!!!
From 2016-05-18.
Yesterday I discovered, I must have been drunk when researching of how far back I had made a photo on a daily basis. Seems today and tomorrow, and a few more days this month, there are no photos. Puhhh, I am already in full editing mode, and stopped thinking about making a photo each day. So today here is a screenshot from a temporary notification file I had left over from last year (sometimes it pays to keep your temp dirs and files around :). So this is really from the html (thought copied yesterday) file from last year 2016-05-18.
And to round it off, here is todays version, 2017-05-18. Silly me, on this occasion I found out my screen is a bit magnetic (the notification page is todays version, unlike the screenshot above - yes, I am still using the same output but a new page gets generated every day)..
2017-05-18, with Sony A7 and Leica Summicron-M 50mm Rigid (and two extension rings, 14mm in total).
PS. 0 is for error code zero, which is good (no news is good news). helvetii is our local Swiss application, which needs a daily database synchronisation batch job.
PPS. I have no idea, what I will do tomorrow. Maybe such similar gimmick. Maybe I prolong the whole exercise also for a few days to get 365 uninterrupted, so till here that would be just an extra bonus. -
6/365 - Birthday Bouquet
5/365 - During the Day
4/365 - Horse Dung
3/365 - Cafe Einstein No More
Cafe Einstein in Bonn is no more. As well as the Bouvier book store next door, which was once one of the biggest book stores in Germany, and that was in and for a rather smaller city. But while books are not served any more, I am sure coffee will be served in other places in Bonn for quite some time to come..
2016-05-14, with Sony A7 and Contax G Zeiss 45mm f/2.0 Planar.
2/365 - Holy Mass
Holy Mass, 2016-05-13.
With Sony A7 and Olympus OM 50mm f/1.2.
PS. 2017-05-14, for the people not from the Rhineland, the tree is not some Tibetan prayer tree, but a Liebesmaien. 2016 was a leap year, so the tree could have been for a boy!
From Wikipedia: “In einigen Teilen Deutschlands, zum Beispiel im Rheinland, im Saarland, im Bergischen Land, in Franken und in Schwaben, ist es üblich, dass männliche Jugendliche und junge Männer am Haus der Freundin oder Angebeteten einen Baum anbringen. Üblich sind vor allem mit buntem Krepp-Papier geschmückte Birken, wobei die Farbe der Bänder ursprünglich eine Bedeutung hatte. … Der Maibaum bleibt einen Monat lang stehen, bis zum ersten Juni.”
1/365 - Family Camera
365/365 - Just Another Day
A photo a day, from 2016-05-12 to 2017-05-11 (maybe 2017-05-12:). Each published (here) exactly one year later.
I started this project when I realized, I use my digital camera almost every single day. I always carry it with me. With changing lenses. Mostly two, maybe 3 or 4 when traveling. Most of the time I keep the same lens mounted for a view days. But once changed, it can take months or longer to get it mounted back to the front of the camera sensor.
My camera back is tall, but not wide. So it doesn’t matter if I have a small range finder lens or a long tele, basically it takes the same room. One lens or four, just more hassle to juggle them, but for carrying it doesn’t matter.
So after a while I got used to it and I realized, every woman in this world carries a hand bag with her all the time, so if they can, it is not such a hassle actually. Of course, my back is more like a colt holder, ready to shoot anytime ;).
So some day I realized, must be many weeks after the 2016-05-12, that I made photos daily in a row, might as well carry on and make it a 365 project. It still was much later to dig into the picture archive to identify the exact date where I had a day missing without any photo.
So today is one day left to complete it, I hope nothing gets lost before the second round starts in two days with publishing one each day, again for 365 days. Actually I expect that to select a photo and to edit it in Lightroom each day might be much more of a hassle and challenge than making the photos. As well as more time consuimg.
But I am eagerly waiting for this to start, as recently the focus has been on getting something on the SD card each day, which naturally did cut severely into the time being able to study the photos and learn from them and to make something out of and with them.
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