CleSh Wish List

Wish list of java programs I would love to have for use with clesh.


  1. 42   |
  2. 37   grep
  3. 26   rm -r
  4. 26   html txt converter
  5. 26   diff
  6. 23   >
  7. 15   ls -l file
  8. 14   Ctrl-c
  9. 14   ls links
  10. 14   jcalc
  11. 13   cvs
  12. 13   clesh -classpath
  13. 12   ``
  14. 12   .clesh_history
  15. 12   dc
  16. 11   icon
  17. 10   find -newer
  18. 10   ftp.get
  19. 10   gnuclient
  20. 9   test
  21. 9   jobs
  22. 9   jdbc.query
  23. 8   sort
  24. 8   awk
  25. 7   head
  26. 7   ln .
  27. 6   du
  28. 6   ping
  29. 6   html browser
  30. 6   apropos
  31. 6   jdiff
  32. 6   bug: sometimes mv has strange access error, still moving OK
  33. 6   sed
  34. 5   tail
  35. 5   ftp recursive
  36. 5   bug: find . -name "*.zip" in clesh dir
  37. 5   mcopy
  38. 5   crop
  39. 5   cut
  40. 4   df
  41. 4   jftp
  42. 4   ftp.pwd
  43. 4   linux.chmod
  44. 4   native cd
  45. 4   hostname
  46. 4   static
  47. 3   gunzip
  48. 3   cp -r
  49. 3   xargs
  50. 3   clear
  51. 3   !:
  52. 3   debian package
  53. 3   rm link
  54. 3   $?
  55. 3   unalias
  56. 2   threads
  57. 2   unzip with touch
  58. 2   javap
  59. 2   ftp *
  60. 2   dot
  61. 2   zip
  62. 2   hex
  63. 2   props sorted
  64. 2   echo -n
  65. 2   dirname
  66. 2   absolute clesh script
  67. 2   tar fails for ant1.4.1
  68. 2   nl
  69. 2   filename
  70. 2   bug: man does not work on gavrilov anymore
  71. 2   image viewer
  72. 2   bug: xslt stopped working on solaris
  73. 1   mem
  74. 1   !num multiple parameters bug
  75. 1   more: g and G
  76. 1   chown
  77. 1   pushd, popd
  78. 1   ftp.rename
  79. 1   dev.null
  80. 1   linux.uptime
  81. 1   announce
  82. 1
  83. 1   javaclient
  84. 1   $ files fail with echo *
  85. 1   skip xslt libs missing bug
  86. 1   >>
  87. 1   distribute
  88. 1   html2text
  89. 1   debian package
  90. 1   psql
  91. 1   uudecode
  92. 1   release history headline only in toc bug
  93. 1   unzip -l size
  94. 1   fix export PS1="clesh($SHLVL)$ "
  95. 1   exec jar
  96. 1   man troff
  97. 1   web icon
  98. 1   split
  99. 1   ifconfig
  100. 1   &&
  101. 1   jget size
  102. 1   alias tmp="cd /home/clemens/mad/comp/bookmarks" bug (note ")
  103. 1   bug: javancssframe.gif not found
  104. 1   mdir
  105. 1   bug: unzip fails
  106. 1   bug: ln normalize file
  107. 1   read
  108. 1   while
  109. 1   freshmeat screenshot
  110. 1   man find
  111. 1   solaris.ln
  112. 1   jdbc
  113. 1   bug: can't start mc twice
  114. 1   jget -out
  115. 1   first expand variables then *
  116. 1   wc
  117. 1   ed
  118. 1   support jdk 1.4
  119. 1   big icon
  120. 1   jget -post (post)
  121. 1   bug: echo Util*.class for inner classes
  122. 1   bug: docu "jar xfv"
  123. 1   ftp.put single_file_name
  124. 1   strings
  125. 1   uname
  126. 1   jdbc.update


  1. 3   bug: -lF does not work on Solaris
  2. 6   support jdk 1.4
  3. 3   ant 1.4.1 fails
  4. 25   cd -
  5. 37   !$
  6. 14   if
  7. 1   False
  8. 2   True
  9. 10   md5sum
  10. 1   bug: tar
  11. 29   JExplorer
  12. 30   cp .
  13. 2   identify
  14. 5   touch $user.dir
  15. 5   notepad
  16. 27   man
  17. 14   cd " "
  18. 55   file completion
  19. 10   clesh script
  20. 13   jget
  21. 20   ~
  22. 14   $1
  23. 5   ${ENV}
  24. 14   ln
  25. 31   CLASSPATH changing interactively
  26. 4   ftp.delete
  27. 11   ftp
  28. 1   ftp.put
  29. 1   ftp.mkdir
  30. 2   tar
  31. 18   * for file names
  32. 5   find
  33. 2   more
  34. 7   unzip -l
  35. 2   clesh -check
  36. 1   clesh -version
  37. 2   $ENV
  38. 11   CDPATH
  39. 3   unzip
  40. 2   touch
  41. 1   zip with -r
  42. 1   jwhich
  43. 1   &
  44. 1   ls file size
  45. 3   history
  46. 1   !number
  47. 1   which

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Chr. Clemens Lee, email:               (my resume)